The Jump Rope is one of the most underutilized, effective, anytime anywhere tools in the history of fitness. So why is this amazing effective tool just now really making its way into the social media world and fitness scene?
One Word…Fear.
For years I have used this tool and been a teacher to many. The common thread holding those who aren’t trying it back is fear. Here are the top 10 reasons I have been told, straight from the “horse’s mouth” so to speak that people are not jumping rope.
1. Fear of not being able to do it
2. Fear of looking like an “idiot”- sorry straight from more than one mouth when asked
3. Lack of Rhythm
4. Lack of Coordination
5. Worried about hurting knees
6. Immobility
7. Had no idea what rope to start withdraw8. Had no idea how to start
8. It is intimidating
9. Fear of ability
10. Boxed for years but had a hard time learning the rhythm of the rope.
“There is Nothing As Insurmountable as the Mind”
CAO 19
Most people who did come to my classes either snuck into the back so as to go unnoticed, focused on the thought of this being hard so they struggled, or told me they could only stay about 20 minutes, and then they would have to go.
Most often, after just letting down their guard and trying, all of the ropers in class found their way through the fear and at least learned that it was not as hard as they 1st thought it would be. Those who said they were leaving 20 minutes in, were the ones staying 20 minutes after all the other ropers had left..
What is RōP?
RōP is a jump rope that wants everyone to have a fighting chance at enjoying its amazing benefits.