A Stoopid Good World International
We’re Life’School
Where Life’S Cool!
A Stoopid Good World is a place that sparks the imagination, bringing adults back to the fearless nature of Childhood.
A world of empowering individuals to acknowledge, accept and embrace who they are from the inside out, to find their truth and live their purpose.
ASGWI is a full circle transformational entity that offers tools, toys, games, opportunities, and inspiration to those who want to live a purposed life, leaving a legacy that will inspire others to do the same.
The Mission: ignite passion and offer knowledge and awareness that will help individuals discover the blueprints they have been blessed with and give them a place to bring those blueprints into reality.
Pillars for Change
Play * Imagine. Dream. Create * Ground
3 Shift Platforms to Help You Grow, Yo!
Mental Shift~
Shift your mindset, change your life. It is the single most important thing you can do for true transformational lasting change in your life on every level. The Shift Game of Life is a fun funky way to simply stop repetitive patterns that hold you back from your Super Hero Powers.
Simple, fun cards, games, and projects that raise awareness by doing something different to break out of habits and day-to-day repetitive conditioning.
“Nootritional” Shift~
A new way of looking at food and nutrition based finding the predominant value of what you are currently eating and how you feel before and after eating. Once you become aware of how you feel you can make better decisions based on what your body is telling you. This simplifies food and ingredient decisions simply by paying attention to what your body is telling you. A sure fire way to eliminate the emotional based decision making cycle and offer food freedom!
“Moovement” Shift~
How we see ourselves and what we think has a huge bearing on change. Our physical bodies are dictated by the brain and day to day movements that we don’t even realize we do create imbalances we aren’t aware we have pain or injuries.
The key is seeing your self in a differnt light and getting to know what your body needs. We couple fun and back-to-basics movements including body resistance training, functional movement, and balance using fun kids games that challenge the brain and transform the body.
The 3 Shift Platforms come together to bring change for balance thinking, gut health, sleep, hydration, nutrition, and movement. Using all the pillars A.S.G.W.I. provides, we guide, encourage and support the shift from stressful adulthood (living to work working to live mindset) to the fearless, imaginative, limitless mindset of childhood helping each individual create a new reality-based world.
We believe when given awareness that we already have all the tools necessary to live self-sufficiently through playing more &stressing less, we can become unlimited cape-wearing kids again.
Our Mission is Simple
To live through vision and purpose rather than sight and conditioning.
Cultivating this idea of each person working through vision, imagination, and purpose will create stronger individuals who will, in turn, inspire more people to become self-sufficient, working like a domino effect that will create change on social, personal, and environmental levels.
Our Vision is Powerful
1. Redefine prevention through Awareness
2. Shift Mental Health: Empowerment over Depression / Food over Pharmacy / Clarity over Knowledge.
3. Redefine “Nootrition”: heal the gut, keep the blood sugar balanced to simplify the rules and reasons for eating, and balance the brain-gut connection.
4. Physical Transformation: Promote “moovment” for clarity and use blood sugar balance to reduce & reverse Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes with body awareness.
5. Self Reconnection: spark imagination and the limitless mindset through visualization and meditation connecting and leading from the inside out.
6. Honoring Our Roots: Shifting from buying to growing and food being fuel as well as fulfillment.
*ASGWI teaches the functional art of living freely through
awareness and listening to your body as well as a creative
powerhouse that encourages the use of our unique imaginations
and out-of-the-box thinking.